5 Things To Think About When Choosing A Lawyer To Help You Win Your Personal Injury Case

Hiring an attorney to represent you throughout your personal injury case will help improve your odds of winning a financial settlement for your pain and suffering. Here are five things to think about when choosing a legal representative to work with:


One of the most important things to consider when choosing a personal injury lawyer to work with is their schedule. If your lawyer already has a full docket or even just one difficult client, there's a chance that your case will be put on the back burner at least some of the time while they focus on the rest of their workload. When consulting with prospective attorneys, ask each one of them to provide you with their upcoming schedule in writing so you know how busy they'll be for the next couple of months and can get a good idea of how much time they can dedicate to getting a resolution for your case.

A Dedicated Team

It's also a good idea to think about whether each prospective lawyer you consult with works alone or has a team they can rely on to help them work through your case. A team of support will help ensure that your case is resolved quickly, so if you want a quick settlement you'll probably want to stay away from legal representatives who work alone and don't have any backup. After identifying the lawyers that do work with a team, it's important to find out how those teams are sourced. Does each lawyer hire their team members directly, or do they outsource their work to independent contractors when they need some extra help?

Same-Day Services

There is nothing more frustrating than supplying evidence or paperwork for a personal injury case only to wait weeks for it to be processed by the lawyer and courts. So, make sure that the personal injury attorney you decide to work with offers same-day services for important tasks such as filing paperwork to prove an aspect of your case before things can move forward. If you drop something off at your lawyer's office on a Monday morning, you should get confirmation that it has been processed by the end of that same day. Make sure that you get a commitment from your chosen personal injury lawyer that they'll process your paperwork promptly after it's submitted to them, whether it's you, the court, or the other party that submits something.

Electronic Communications

For the sake of convenience, it's a good idea to think about communication options when comparing prospecting personal injury attorneys and deciding which one to ultimately hire. Some lawyers only offer phone communication options, while others offer the ability to email, fax, or even text them when necessary. Ask each lawyer you consult with to provide you with a list of communication options and contact information. You should also find out the expected turn-around time for responses through each communication method that's available to you. Compare the lists you receive to one another and determine who is probably going to be the easiest to stay in contact with.

Flexible Payment Options

While most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency basis and will charge for their overall services only after you win your case, there are some services you may want your representative to provide that aren't included in their basic personal injury packages. Whether it's a weekly in-person consultation or a daily summary of the work that's been done on your case that you're after, if you're in need of extra services that your lawyer charges extra for, you should be able to work out a payment plan to manage those payments so you don't feel financially strapped while fighting to win your personal injury case. Make sure the lawyer you end up working with offers payment plans of some type so you aren't caught off guard as your case progresses. 

For more information, contact a professional service, such as Bennett & Sharp PLLC.
