When your debts become unmanageable, you might think of declaring yourself bankrupt. This will prevent creditors from making calls, issuing letters, petitioning you, and stopping service shutoffs, expulsions, and foreclosures. You might also discharge the obligation to settle several debts and boost your credit. But before you can declare yourself bankrupt, it's vital to understand bankruptcy law and how it works. Getting a bankruptcy attorney is recommended because they know the law and have handled many similar situations before.
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A lot can change over the course of time when raising a child. While the original child support order that was put into effect to provide for your child may have been adequate and fair at the time it was ordered, this may no longer be the case. If your child's financial needs have changed or the non-custodial parent's income has changed, it may be necessary to seek a child support modification order to ensure your child is getting the proper amount of support from both of their parents.
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If you are facing a divorce, you want the best for yourself and your child. You have a lot to worry about, including your future, your child's wellbeing, and the end of a marital relationship. All of this can become more complicated with time.
Are you trying to figure out how to protect your child? These are some steps you can take in the middle of a divorce to ensure you are taking care of your child.
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Airplanes are one of the safest modes of travel and are much safer than cars. However, plane crashes do occur and are fatal in a minority of cases. If your loved one has passed away as a result of a plane crash, your right to seek compensation for the loss of your loved one depends on whether your wrongful death attorney can prove that the accident was the result of negligence and which parties are at fault.
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If you're the sole breadwinner, you need to be concerned about income stability. If you're like most people, you only think about unemployment when considering income stability. But, medical conditions can lead to loss of income stability as well. Unfortunately, if a medical condition isn't caused by an on-the-job event, you could find yourself without any source of income, especially if you haven't done any advanced planning. That's where long-term disability insurance comes into the picture.
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