Is Assault A Criminal Or Civil Complaint?

If someone assaults you, the first thing you do is call the police, but should you call a lawyer too? Assault and battery is most definitely a criminal offense, explains the University of California. It is against the law to act violently against a person or property. In some states, like California, it is also a civil rights violation. The key is to know when a lawsuit of this type has a chance of success in civil court. Read More 

The Dos And Don’ts Of Getting Reimbursed For Housekeeping Under An ICBC Claim

Are you a homemaker who has been injured in an automobile accident? Have your injuries made it difficult to perform your daily house chores? If so, under part 7 of your accident benefits, ICBC may be required to reimburse you up to $145 a week so that you may hire a housekeeper to assist you. In order to win these benefits, though, there are a few very important dos and don'ts that you need to be aware of. Read More 

The Online Future Of Canadian Family Law

Navigating the legal system can sometimes seem like an unnecessary hassle, especially if you are deciding legal matters after an amicable separation between you and your spouse. Between court dates, a large number of forms to choose from and fill out correctly, and language that is not commonly used in modern Canada it can seem like the only way to navigate the legal system is with the help of a well-trained divorce lawyer. Read More 

Spinal Cord Injuries: How To Get The Compensation You Deserve From ICBC

By 2012, there were over 24 million licensed Canadian drivers on the road. With roads getting busier and more hectic, the amount of motor vehicle accidents that occur have also been climbing as well. Due to the angle of the collision and the force of the impact, many car accidents result in partial or total spinal cord injuries that may be either permanent or temporary. Getting the compensation that you deserve from ICBC claims may be difficult. Read More 

Familial Responsibility And Divorce: What To Expect When Leaving A Dependent Spouse

Sometimes, divorce is the result of unexpected trauma in a marriage--often from outside sources. You may find yourself caring for a spouse that is physically, mentally, or emotionally dependent on you. Eventually, this uneven yoke takes its toll and the marriage disintegrates; you may no longer wish to be in a situation where your spouse is fully dependent on you for personal support. While you can seek divorce, you should be hesitant to make any drastic changes in your life before speaking with an expert in family law, lest you act rashly and be found guilty of criminal charges due to desertion. Read More