The Three Most Common Accidents On Fourth Of July

The Fourth of July holiday brings about many parties and gatherings. While most of these are simple acts of having fun for the celebrated holiday, there are many injuries that arise during this time that can lead to a personal injury claim being filed. Here are the three most common types of accidents that result in injury during this time of year: Firework Injuries:  Firework injuries are obviously one of the most common since fireworks are used heavily for the Fourth of July holiday. Read More 

Dealing With A Bite From A Friend’s Dog? What To Do

Any friendship, even one that has lasted many years, can be strained when someone is injured. When a friend's dog has managed to bite you and you think your friend is to blame, that can cause a deep rift in addition to a possible financial problem for you as your bills and costs mount. If you're considering a lawsuit, the pointers below are smart to follow. See a Physician   Read More 

3 Items To Take With You For Your Initial Consultation With A Medical Malpractice Attorney

If you believe you were a victim of medical malpractice during your last hospital stay, you may have decided to schedule a consultation with an attorney to see if you have a case against the hospital for your injuries. If so, make sure you take with you the following three items for the lawyer to review. Copy of Your Medical Records About a week before your consultation, contact the hospital to request a copy of all medical records during your stay. Read More 

Three Things To Know If You Are Pulled Over For A Suspected DUI

Police officers look for a variety of signs that a driver might be impaired, and it is possible to get pulled over for a suspected DUI even if you aren't driving under the influence. Knowing how to handle the situation properly can help you to remain calm and keep the officer at ease. Here are some things to remember if you are pulled over for a suspected DUI. Pull Over Safely Read More 

What Tenants Need To Know About Family Discrimination When Renting

If you're living in a rental with young children, you may have experienced discrimination from your housing manager or your landlord. It's actually illegal to discriminate based on familial status in the United States, but this does not prevent some landlords from trying to avoid family renters with children because children are an increased liability to the property itself. Here are some common (and illegal) ways that a landlord can discriminate against families: Read More