What You Need To Know About Filing For Social Security Disability Benefits

If you have a chronic disease or injury that prevents you from working, it can be scary thinking of how you are going to support yourself and your family. You're not alone. According to theU.S. Census Bureau, approximately 37 million Americans are disabled and approximately 25 percent of the population will be disabled at some point in their lifetime. Fortunately, the Social Security Act of 1935 provides monthly benefits to disabled Americans who meet the SSA's criteria. Read More 

Six Pitfalls To Avoid When Registering Your Vehicle In Ontario

If you are in the market for a new car and you purchase it from a dealer, they will probably take care of everything that needs to be completed for its registration. This will not be the case if you purchase a used vehicle. You will be responsible for ensuring that all of the details are completed before you can legally drive on the roads. Being on the lookout for these pitfalls, can help to make the process stress free. Read More 

Open Wide: Elder Dental Abuse Is A Growing Problem

As the adult child of an aging parent, are you looking on with concern as another family member has full influence over your parent's care? Maybe it is a step-parent or your parent's friend who is responsible for managing medical care and finances. Your parent seems to trust this person, yet there is something you can't quite put your finger on that doesn't appear right. Unfortunately, it is often the caretaker closest to an elderly person who is the perpetrator of abuse. Read More 

Mediation: What It Is And When (Or When Not) To Use It

An alternative to litigation in the criminal justice system has taken root in Canada. Mediation provides participants with a process for solving disputes in a wide variety of situations; currently, several provinces have a statutorily-defined process for mediation. Mediation has grown in popularity over the years, and now is even required in some instances before a lawsuit can reach the courts. Below is more information on mediation, as well as when and when not to use it: Read More 

Is Assault A Criminal Or Civil Complaint?

If someone assaults you, the first thing you do is call the police, but should you call a lawyer too? Assault and battery is most definitely a criminal offense, explains the University of California. It is against the law to act violently against a person or property. In some states, like California, it is also a civil rights violation. The key is to know when a lawsuit of this type has a chance of success in civil court. Read More